Amenities for this room include: Queen bed; bathroom w/shower; table for writing; porch w/patio furniture; kitchen sink, microwave, small refrigerator; toaster, coffee pot.
Big Sheep
Amenities for this room include: 1 queen bed, second bedroom w/ 2 twin beds; deck w/patio furniture; bathroom w/shower and two sinks; table for writing; kitchen sink; microwave; coffee pot, toaster; wall heaters and woodstove.
Amenities for this room include: Bunk twin beds, bathroom w/shower, small refrigerator, coffee maker, space heater.
Amenities for this room include: King bed (can be made into 2 twins), bathroom w/shower, small refrigerator, coffee maker, space heater.
Little Sheep
Amenities for this room include: 1 king or 2 twin beds; bathroom w/shower, deck w/patio furniture; kitchen sink, microwave, small refrigerator, coffee maker; toaster, table for writing; wood stove, space heater.
Amenities for this room include: Bathroom w/shower, small refrigerator, coffee pot, kitchen sink, 2 twin beds, space heater
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