Applications for 2023 are now closed!
Contact Mark Bergrstom in case of a cancellation.
Application review will begin in November and continue until the season is filled.
Faculty and Instructor Course Application
Faculty and Instructors must apply to the Taft-Nicholson Center Program Steering Committee in order to hold a course at the Center.
After filling out the application, you'll be directed to a "Thank You" page.
Alternatively, you can download this PDF version of the application and send your completed responses to Center Director Mark Bergstrom:
Note: Due to our remote location, Taft-Nicholson Center has limited supplies and cannot provide teaching materials, including printing. Please prepare and bring all needed materials to the Center.

Events Application
If you would like to use the Taft-Nicholson Center for Symposiums, Board Meeetings, Retreats, Conferences, etc please fill out the event application and we will contact you shortly.
After filling out the application, you'll be directed to a "Thank You" page.
Alternatively, you can download this PDF version of the application and send your completed responses to Center Director Mark Bergstrom: