2018 Painting Residency at the Taft-Nicholson Center
The Department of Art & Art History Painting Program is offering 12 students an opportunity
to participate in an inclusive Painting Residency at the Taft-Nicolson Environmental
Humanities Center in Montana.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2018 Painting and Drawing Summer, Special Topics #4180 Landscape Painting Residency intensive course open to department students. The Summer Residency is 9 days of art investigations, with focus on the environment of the landscape of Centennial Valley at the Taft-Nicholson Environmental Humanities Center. The residency will be led by Professor Kim Martinez, students will live in rustic modern dormitory style housing, receive three meals per day, and residency transportation. Acceptance to the Summer Residency is competitive. Recommendation from a faculty member and a student letter of intent is required for enrollment. This is an unparalleled opportunity for 12 students to receive a 9-day immersion in the seclusion of the Center.
At the conclusion of the residency, students will curate and install an exhibition of the art completed at the Center in the Alvin Gittins Gallery.
Applications are due March 9th We will notify candidates by March 16th (Summer 2018 registration begins March 19th) Sendaparagraphoutliningyourexpectationsandinspirationsforthecourseandthenameofafacultymemberforreference.Tosubmitapplicationandadditionalinformation,pleaseconsultKimMartinez, (801) 581-6513 kim.martinez@art.utah.edu.
July 06-07,9:00-4:00onCampusroom353July08-16Taft-NicholsonEnvironmentalHumanitiesCenter.